Thursday, July 28, 2022

International Tiger Day – July 29, 2022


International Tiger Day – July 29, 2022

International Tiger Day is celebrated annually on July 29. The tiger enjoys the reputation of being the largest of the world’s big cats. A tiger can be easily identified with its distinctive orange and black stripes on its face and body. International Tiger Day is celebrated across the globe so that all of us can raise awareness for tiger conservation. The day aims to build a worldwide system that will be dedicated to protecting tigers and their natural habitats. A safe and thriving habitat for tigers means that we conserve other species and our forests, too. Through International Tiger Day we can work for a future where humans and tigers can cohabit peacefully.


International Tiger Day was first celebrated in 2010 after it was found 

that 97% of all wild tigers had disappeared in the last century, with 

about only 3,000 of them remaining. It’s not news that tigers are on

 the brink of extinction and International World Tiger Day aims to 

halt the numbers from worsening. Habitat loss, climate change, 

hunting, and poaching are only some of the factors that are 

responsible for the decline in the tiger population. Along with

 the preservation of these species, the day also aims to protect 

and expand their habitats. Many international organizations such

 as the WWF, the IFAW, and the Smithsonian Institute also observe 

International Tiger Day.

With the loss of habitat and climate change, tigers are increasingly 

coming into conflict with humans. Poaching and the illegal trade 

industry is also a very serious threat that wild tigers face. Demand 

for tiger bone, skin, and other body parts is leading to increased 

cases of poaching and trafficking. This is resulting in localized extinctions, 

which has made the revival of the tiger population next to impossible.

 Another threat that has negatively impacted the tiger population is the

 loss of habitat. All across the world, we are witnessing a loss of tiger 

habitats due to access routes, human settlements, timber logging, 

plantations, and agriculture. In fact, only about 7% of the original

 tiger habitats are still intact today. Experts also worry that the lack 

of genetic diversity among tigers can lead to inbreeding in small 

populations. The ever-increasing habitat loss means that the 

conflicts between tigers and humans are on the rise. Tigers may 

wander into the human population which is worrying for people

 as well as these majestic cats.


The decision to recognise this day was taken in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia. The representatives from around 13 countries announced that the tiger-populated countries would take steps to double the tiger population by 2022.


In 1973, Project Tiger was launched in India with a unique plan to save tigers on the planet. Since its formative years, there were 9 tiger reserves but the Tiger Project coverage has increased significantly over time.

A conservation goal which was so ambitious was set up by the governments of the 13 range countries to double the number of wild tigers by this year.

However, the tiger is still categorised as 'endangered'. It has lost 93 percent of its range and tiger numbers have dipped from 100,000 a century ago. Poaching and habitat destruction are among the leading causes.

Observing World Tiger Day assumes importance because as per the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are only 3900 wild tigers present around the globe.

Tigers are of different colours like White tigers, White Tiger with black stripes, Brown tiger with black stripes, and Golden tigers and watching them walk can be a wonderful sight. So far, Bali Tiger, Caspian Tiger, Javan Tiger, and Tiger Hybrids are the species that are extinct. It is important to focus on the matter of tiger conservation as it plays an important role in protecting and maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.


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