Monday, February 7, 2022

100 Days of Reading: Week 6 (Title Tree, Literary Calendar, Favourite Film song)

 100 Days of Reading: Week 6 (Title Tree, Literary Calendar, Favourite Film song)

Class I-II

 Children can be encouraged to think of alternate titles of any particular story, after reading the plot and characters.
 This can be done through discussion while the teacher draws the title tree on the board.


Class III-V

 The students can prepare a literary calendar by marking the birth dates of various writers/poets and enlisting their works.
 From this list they can choose a book/ poem to read.


Whats your Favourite Film/Folk song?

Read the lyrics of your favourite film/folk song (any language).
Visit your class Padlet.

Copy and paste the lyrics.

WRITE A FEW LINES ABOUT ITS LYRICS. You may write about the context, message, emotions, etc

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